About Cuchi

Thank you for visiting my blogsite, I am really grateful that you are taking time to know me.

Who am I?

My real name is Everly. How did I come up with the name Cuchikoo... Well, I was in college back then and I was thinking of an email address and then all of a sudden someone tickled me and said "Cuchi-cuchi-koo" and now the name stuck. I would like to thank Mark Go (the classmate who tickled me back then) for giving me the idea of coming up with Cuchikoo.

I lived most of my life in the Philippines and was raised with two siblings. Last 2008, I moved to Australia to get out of my comfort zone back home. It's not that I wanted to but I think it would be great to explore a new country and at the same time earn more money (No offense but salary back home is not that great hu hu hu). Anyway, to make the long story short, I am now a resident of Australia and is seeking to be a citizen soon (Hopefully, I will pass the exams).


I love taking videos of events and taking pictures as well but my first love would always be creating videos. However, I learned that you have to know some technicalities first before shooting a great one. Here comes photography, I think videographers must know a little bit of  Photography to improve their shooting skills because it goes hand in hand. To be honest, editing a video is like pasting a million images from your camera and each image must be of good quality. And how would you do this? First step is improve on getting stills and then next is shoot a video. (Easier said than done but we got all the time in the world to learn new things right?)

I have always been interested in photography but my passion grew stronger when I met new people in Australia (Hancel Darroca, Gilbert Rodriguez, The Ama Family and the Larin Family). These people had greatly influenced how I am turning out now. I have been exposed to the technical side of the art and hence, I find myself making time to read books, articles on the net and magazines to improve my skills as a photographer.

Why choose to make a blog about it

I am not a professional photographer, in fact, I am still a beginner in the world of digital photography. Why did I make this site? Let's see... It is because I want people to share some knowledge in photography, know what other people would like to share about it and at the same time develop my abilities as a photographer through learning and experimentation.

You may ask, you can actually find out about these things in a book. Yes, that is true but experience is a much better teacher and there are a lot of photographers out there who are willing to share their knowledge and experience with beginners like us.

Words of Encouragement

Hmmm.... Let's see, there are a lot of things to know about photography and if you are looking at this site it means that you wanted to know more. That is really good, I would like to give you a hand for that. I suppose if you have spare time you can look around the site and check on the articles that are of interest to you.

I would like to say Thanks for looking around and Welcome to the world of digital photography.


If you are also interested in travelling drop by on my other blogsite
Cuchi Travel Logs

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